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Offsite Data Backup Solutions

Offsite Data Backup Solutions

You never know when a disaster, manmade or natural, will strike an area. When a series of Tornadoes pretty well wiped out two nearby towns, I soon realized that I could lose all the data I kept stored on my company's main pc. I began to look for an affordable and viable option for my data backup storage needs. I already subscribe to an online backup storage service, but I wanted to find to find a better solution to help me with both my main office and its remote satellite offices. I needed a system which would minimize cost yet be simple to maintain. Here are a few vendors which offer a fair representation for offsite backup of data.

First on my list is Renovodata. With the high cost of complying with federally mandated regulation requirements, many businesses are at a loss in finding a cost effective measure to backup and store their growing data needs. I found one aspect of Renovodata's service that other providers do not have-a tiered storage solution. The tiered storage method is perfect for businesses that need to store different types of storage media. Renovodata prices its tiered storage based on size and type of data to be stored, frequency of use and level of protection needed.

Another company I found which would work well within the scope of my business is Offsite Backups. What is different about Offsite Backups is they tailor their services to specific industries. They cater to service industries such as legal, medical and financial organizations. That is not to say that they do not serve the general business population, because they do. They offer twenty-four hour around the clock customer service and technical support, free installation and setup and, my favorite, a free one month trial. They offer a strong security at their offsite data facilities. Some of the security measures they use, I can appreciate. They are an authorized fingerprint entry system and a continuous video feed of the entity facility. If my data were to be stored there, I would feel confident that it would be adequately protected.

Since the nature of my business involves confidential health records and financial information, I try to look for a company which is HIPPA compliant. iDataBackup is one such company. They are affordable and offer price plans based on amount of compressed data storage used. All data is encrypted as it is backed up and, should it be necessary, data recovery is seamless.

Source by Tim Bafer

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