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Career Shift: From Office-Based Employee to Full Time Virtual Assistant Freelancer

Career Shift: From Office-Based Employee to Full Time Virtual Assistant Freelancer

Work is necessary, especially when you are the breadwinner in your family. You treat your job as the only source of income that even the slightest mistake can jeopardize your employment. Even conflicts with your co-employees, especially your supervisors pose a threat. I have worked in both office-based setup and as a virtual assistant and have dozens of reasons why I chose to work as a full-time virtual assistant freelancer. But here are my top 4 reasons why I decided home-based over office-based employment.

Traffic in the city – Reporting to work


On a daily basis, I have to allow 5 hours for commuting due to traffic. If my work scheduled is at 8 am, I need to start commuting by 6 am. Waking up in the morning feels frustrating. It’s like dragging yourself to prepare for work. And when you are all set and ready to go, you see a lot of people like you waiting for a ride. It feels like you’re into an action movie when rushing to ride a jeepney because everyone is in a hurry. But when I get a spot, I usually sleep while commuting (Hello! It’s Davao City) so I get to rest for a bit.

Virtual Assistant

There is no need for me to wake up too early for the job. There’s no need for me to allow 2 hours for commuting. My office is literally at home. I just have to take a shower, eat something, and poof! – I can start my work already. No hassle, no frustrations, and no rushing!

Toxic Environment – Social Engagement


You just came in the office from heavy traffic. You are still dripping with sweat and all of a sudden, one of your co-employees is sharing GOSSIPS! To be honest, I am fond of socializing with people, and I enjoy the company of others. In fact, I maintain a regular meeting with my supervisors and talk about parties, team building, summer vacations, etc. What’s frustrating is when you encounter gossips, rumors about somebody inside the company. The environment becomes toxic that keeps me from efficiently working. As leading personnel in the office, you also have to mediate even petty quarrels of employees.

Virtual Assistant

It does not bother me really, and I get to read news and updates from the internet. There’s nobody that will keep you engaged about something you are not interested. If I don’t find an article interesting, I just close it and that’s it!

Compensation and Responsibilities


Earning a lot would mean more workload. If you have been receiving more and had better salary package, then you might be the same as ME – with added workload and responsibilities outside of my job description. Working as operations manager mean you work with your supervisors, check reports, update clients and conduct regular/emergency meetings – not ME. I also have to upgrade, and correct parameters fit for the campaign. I also need to do lead management, to ensure better customer engagement and more opportunity to convert. In some occasions, I have to tap audit department to make sure every sale is listed. There will be lesser time to manage and oversee my personnel, leading to possible quality of work issues.

Virtual Assistant

Most likely, compensation depends on the impact on what you do and job description, then the number of things you’re doing. It gives you time to focus on what you are expected to do – and improve. There are a lot of tutorials, articles, and guides on the internet for a virtual assistant to succeed. The Internet is a teacher, learn from it.

Family/Work Balance


Everybody will have two days off weekly to relax and get away from work, and I don’t. Even during days off, my boss calls me asking for updates and how sales are going (which everything sent in email). Sometimes, I to pretend to be asleep in order to avoid calls about work. It’s frustrating, really. You are working five days a week, rendering overtime, hitting deadlines, and can’t even get days off from work. I can’t also spend quality time with my son and wife.

Virtual Assistant

It’s refreshing how I work at home. I get to see my son and wife bond. Sometimes, they get to me to hug and cuddle. I can use my breaks with my family together. We can take a vacation together without any phone calls. As long as I have my laptop, a reliable internet connection, and a cup of coffee, everything is perfect! Nothing compares to the time I spent with my family while working. It gives you the determination to work, an inspiration to keep going and happy.

Well, of course, we have different opinions in an office-based and full-time virtual assistant working at home. There might be more than I can add here, but so far, these are my top reasons why I quit my job, packed my stuff in the office and work at home.

TIP: Before making significant decisions in life, make sure to reassess and gauge what will be best for you. I have been thinking over and over in this decision, and I don’t have any regrets.

Source by Norris Lemuel Lasay

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